Restore Iowa! Grant Program

Restore Iowa! Grant Program

Funding provided to help restore native Iowa plant communities, while simultaneously introducing Iowa’s students and youth to ecological restoration concepts and techniques.

Eligible Project Criteria

Projects may be of any size and duration, as long as they meet the following criteria:

Projects must work with restoration of an Iowa native prairie remnant or oak woodland with proven good restoration potential.
Projects should primarily be field efforts, but they must include some restoration-focused educational component, either in the field or in the classroom.
Projects must work on public or private Iowa land where restoration efforts have a high probability of continuation with other sources of funding.
Projects must be completed with Iowa students or youth (high school or university students, Scout groups, etc.)
Project leaders need not be experts in ecological restoration, but they should have some experience or knowledge about the field, or bring in someone to provide this experience or knowledge to the participants.
Established restoration programs may be considered if they incorporate novel approaches for integrating Iowans into restoration projects.


Iowa Native Plant Society (INPS)

Eligible Applicants

All Iowans

Application Deadline

January 15

Award Announcement


Contact Person

Molly McNicoll, Grant Manager
Iowa Native Plant Society