Alliant Energy Community Tree Program

Alliant Energy Community Tree Planting Program. Part of the One Million Trees Initiative

Alliant Energy’s One Million Trees Community Tree Planting Program is a nationally recognized and award-winning tree planting program in which Alliant Energy, Trees Forever and your community work together to plan, fund and implement community tree planting projects. The program is designed to encourage energy efficiency, environmental awareness and community stewardship.

The Community Tree Planting Program is offered exclusively to Iowa and Wisconsin communities where Alliant Energy provides electric and/or natural gas service. Planting locations must be within the Alliant Energy service area and on public property. Public property includes the Right of Way (ROW), public property (fire stations, city hall, city facilities) and public parks and schools.

Communities can apply for grants up to $5,000 to pay for the cost of trees. Trees are landscape-sized in 5 to 10-gallon pots and are purchased locally by the community with the grant funds from Alliant Energy. In Iowa, a small number of trees are covered by customer’s Energy Efficiency contributions. Trees Forever administers and facilitates the program, providing organizational, educational, planning and planting support through our network of experienced field staff.

The application process is competitive, and preference is given to applicants with thorough and complete documentation that meets all program guidelines. Project grants are awarded once per year, but plantings can occur anytime in the Spring or Fall.

Iowa application round opens late summer 2024.
Iowa planting grant applications due November 1, 2024.